nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

Here is a slide deck where you can dig into the background for the project, where it can go, and how you can help.

Just below is a Miro board where we map the US and Japan’s countermeasures for loneliness and isolation to Social Futures’ use cases.

Both are works in progress.

Thank you for your interest and consideration.

If anybody listens to this and feels like they’re not seen or they’re struggling, I will tell you as somebody who lived a lot of my life alone […], it’s strangely… how can I put it… although you may be alone in many moments, you'll be shocked at how many people are having the exact same experience you are having, and if you use the tools that are at your disposal, you'll be shocked at how you can connect with those people and find the things that make you feel less alone.

For me, it was technology. It was video games. And then it was music and DJing and then some of my best friends now come from playing soccer — you know, just a pick up game. Found a few guys in a park, kicked a ball with them, and now we travel the world together and we're best friends. You know, we've been robbed of that online, I think. We've been told that the likes and the follows are the real things.

But I think we should never take for granted the value of going out, doing something, and finding the people who want to do that thing with you. And I think that makes you feel good, and we know the difference.